Another ninja set to reminisce over. I don't remember much about this set. I do remember not liking the little glass dome part and that I was not impressed when I saw it in the box, but eventually decided to pick it up anyway. But I'm glad I did.
Two robbers and a ninja are a nice selection of figures. The strong-box is nicely constructed too. Though I do think the handles for it are too long. And I'm not really sure the blue antenna piece was necessary...
Comparing this set to some of the more recent sets of similar size is interesting (7040, 7090, 7950). They all seem to have similiar piece and figure counts. And really, with the exception of the dwarf thing, the prices have stayed nearly the same over 12 years.
Though, the comparison makes the recent sets seem somehow lacking. Its not something I can put my finger on. Maybe some of it is nostalgia, even though I don't have a great deal of nostalgia for the ninja line. I think some of it is that this set is unique. Its not another catapult or goofy shooting vehicle. And its not a prison carriage. Its more of a slice of almost civilian life: two guys carrying a strong box. Though of course, there is still the potential for conflict play, with the ninja lying in wait.
One other thing I'd like to mention. I'm very disappointed with how easily the leaves break off the bamboo pieces. Both of the ones in this set lost leaves and nearly half of the ones from this line are broken. While I like the piece for landscaping and texturing, I'm not sure Lego did a good job designing this piece.